Large group of kids running in the dandelion spring field


Ways to Help Children With ADHD Focus on a Task

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children’s behavior. Kids with ADHD can have trouble concentrating, sitting still, or staying motivated.

Here at Camen Behavioral Services, we provide behavioral healthcare in Orlando, FL, and here are a few things we think can help children with ADHD focus and complete their tasks:

  • Teach Them How to Break Down Larger Tasks
    Large tasks can be intimidating for children with ADHD, especially if they find these tasks are lengthy, repetitive, or dull. Teaching children how to partition large tasks into smaller ones can help make them more manageable. One example is to teach them to create a checklist or schedule.
  • Teach Them How to Calm Down
    Instant gratification is one of the reasons children with ADHD get distracted easily. Teaching them techniques to help them calm down and return to the task at hand can help them with impulse control and encourage them to do what they need to. Some techniques include breathing exercises or meditation.
  • Help Them Maintain a Consistent Bedtime Schedule
    Poor sleep can aggravate ADHD symptoms making children more restless and impulsive. A bedtime routine can help them fall asleep at night preventing exhaustion the next day that could worsen symptoms. Applied Behavior Analysis services like our ABA services in Kissimmee, FL, can also help children develop positive habits to help them sleep better at night.

Managing ADHD symptoms can be challenging. But with a little work, every child can manage their symptoms, promoting happy and healthy lives.

For more information about ADHD, Mental Health, Positive Behavior, and more, you can call us at 866-411-6619. We also provide reliable autism service in Casselberry, FL.

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